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​Warning signs are the indicators


Warning Signs of Suicide  â€‹                                                               


Observable signs of serious depression

Unrelenting low mood                                        

Pessimism Hopelessness


Anxiety, psychic pain and inner tension

Withdrawal Sleep problems

Increased alcohol and/or other drug use

Recent impulsiveness and taking unnecessary risks

Threatening suicide or expressing a strong wish to die

Making a plan 

Giving away prized possessions

Sudden or impulsive purchase of a firearm

Obtaining other means of killing oneself such as poisons or medications

Unexpected rage or anger

Risk factors are conditions that increase the chance that a person

may try to take their life.

Some Risk Factors for Suicide​

Hopelessness Previous suicide attempt

Family history of suicide

Job or financial loss Isolation

Cultural and religious

belief Loss of relationship

Physical illnesses


I Idealization (thinking about suicide)
S Substance abuse
P Purposelessness
A Anxiety      
T Trapped       
H Hopelessness      
W Withdrawal       
A Anger       
R Recklessness       
M Mood changes









​Follow-Up on Treatment

Still skeptical that they can be helped, the suicidal person may need your support to continue with treatment after the first session.
If medication is prescribed, support the person to take it exactly as prescribed. Be aware of possible side effects, and notify the person who prescribed the medicine if the suicidal person seems to be getting worse, or resists taking the medicine. The doctor can often adjust the medications or dosages to work better for them.
Help the person understand that it may take time and persistence to find the right medication and the right therapist. Offer your encouragement and support throughout the process, until the suicidal crisis has passed.


 If you have lost someone to suicide, you are not alone. You may find that sharing your experience and your grief with others helps you to heal. we are here to help our community resources can aid you in helping find the center that you need.



According to AFSP:(American Foundation for Suicide)

​Environmental Factors That Increase Suicide Risk

Some people who have one or more of the major risk factors above can become suicidal in the face of factors in their environment, such as:

A highly stressful life event such as losing someone close, financial loss, or trouble with the law
Prolonged stress due to adversities such as unemployment, serious relationship conflict, harassment, or bullying
Exposure to another person’s suicide, or to graphic or sensationalized accounts of suicide (contagion)
Access to lethal methods of suicide during a time of increased risk
Again, though, it is important to remember that these factors do not usually increase suicide risk for people who are not already vulnerable because of a preexisting mental disorder or other major risk factors. Exposure to extreme or prolonged environmental stress, however, can lead to depression, anxiety, and other disorders that in turn, can increase the risk for suicide.


Protective Factors for Suicide

Protective factors for suicide are characteristics or conditions that may help to decrease a person’s suicide risk. While these factors do not eliminate the possibility of suicide, especially in someone with risk factors, they may help to reduce that risk. Protective factors for suicide have not been studied as thoroughly as risk factors, so less is known about them.

Protective factors for suicide include:

Receiving effective mental health care
Positive connections to family, peers, community, and social institutions such as marriage and religion that foster resilience
The skills and ability to solve problems


Protective factors may reduce suicide risk by helping people cope with negative life events, even when those events continue over a period of time. The ability to cope or solve problems reduces the chance that a person will become overwhelmed, depressed, or anxious. Protective factors do not entirely remove risk, however, especially when there is a personal or family history of depression or other mental disorders.



A person who is thinking about suicide may say so directly: “I’m going to kill myself.” More commonly, they may say something more indirect: “I just want the pain to end,” or “I can’t see any way out.”

Most of the time, people who kill themselves show one or more of these warning signs before they take action:

Talking about wanting to kill themselves, or saying they wish they were dead
Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as hoarding medicine or buying a gun
Talking about a specific suicide plan
Feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
Feeling trapped, desperate, or needing to escape from an intolerable situation
Having the feeling of being a burden to others
Feeling humiliated
Having intense anxiety and/or panic attacks
Losing interest in things, or losing the ability to experience pleasure
Becoming socially isolated and withdrawn from friends, family, and others
Acting irritable or agitated
Showing rage, or talking about seeking revenge for being victimized or rejected, whether or not the situations the person describes seem real
Individuals who show such behaviors should be evaluated for possible suicide risk by a medical doctor or mental health professional.

What To Do When You Suspect Someone May Be at Risk for Suicide

Take it Seriously

50% to 75% of all people who attempt suicide tell someone about their intention.
If someone you know shows the warning signs above, the time to act is now.
Ask Questions​

Begin by telling the suicidal person you are concerned about them.
Tell them specifically what they have said or done that makes you feel concerned about suicide.
Don't be afraid to ask whether the person is considering suicide and whether they have a particular plan or method in mind. These questions will not push them toward suicide if they were not considering it.
Ask if they are seeing a clinician or are taking medication so the treating person can be contacted.
Do not try to argue someone out of suicide. Instead, let them know that you care, that they are not alone, and that they can get help. Avoid pleading and preaching to them with statements such as, “You have so much to live for,” or “Your suicide will hurt your family.”
Encourage Professional Help​

Actively encourage the person to see a physician or mental health professional immediately.
People considering suicide often believe they cannot be helped. If you can, assist them to identify a professional and schedule an appointment. If they will let you go to the appointment with them.
Take Action​

If the person is threatening, talking about, or making specific plans for suicide, this is a crisis requiring immediate attention. Do not leave the person alone.
Remove any firearms, drugs, or sharp objects that could be used for suicide from the area.
Take the person to a walk-in clinic at a psychiatric hospital or a hospital emergency room.
If these options are not available, call 911 or the National Suicide


Prevention Lifeline at 988 for assistance.

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